Update as promised...

Started by Tasstie, October 26, 2005, 08:22:35 am

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Been in the desert 60 days now...and it's alot worse at 31 than it was at the age of 22.
If it weren't for the fact we have access to ice cream and ice cubes I'd have said I was sent to hell.
95+ by 8am...125+ by 2pm ( and that's as far as the thermometer would go).  Add the fact I quit smoking about 2 weeks after retiring from EQ and also started working out on a regular basis this has been on helluva ride so far hahaha.
Keep kickin' ass ya'll...

Glad to hear you doing... uh...well?... Tasstie!

Keep your chin up and your head down!

Miss you!

No doubt stay safe over there keeping everybody safe over here. :o)  Hope you're home soon!