Blades of Wrath

Everyone => News => Topic started by: Zophim on January 08, 2006, 07:12:06 pm

Title: An eye for an eye...
Post by: Zophim on January 08, 2006, 07:12:06 pm
Turns out the "New Story" link I always see on this page does work after all.  I know you were wondering, and I was starting to as well.  Worry no longer!  I shall now grace you with this update.

It's really no secret we haven't spent a ton of time in DoD.  As far as expansions go, it's widely regarded in Blades of Wrath as the worst one to come out to date.  I gotta say I think that's the case also.  Fights remind me so much of the snoozefest that was Vex Thal.  They take forever to complete, and you're lucky half the raid isn't asleep when it's over.  They are at least challenging though, I'll give them that.

Having said all that; We are back on the fast track to Demiplane.  Well, fast is a relative term, but I digress...  It was decided at the beginning of last month that after the holiday season was over, and everyone got back from their traveling, boozing, or whatever, we'd start seriously on the DoD raids.  We've already beaten 4 of the AA raids, and that left only Queen and Vule for Demiplane access.

Now, as some of you may or may not know, Blades raids 4 days a week.  Sunday-Tuesday, and Thursday.  With attendance still down from the new year celebrations, we waited till Thursday (typically our worst say for numbers) to hit up Master Vule.  As a side note; Kudos to Sony for making a progression event in a non-instanced zone.  That's top notch.

So where was I?  Oh yeah, Vule.  Turns out he's the best designed encounter we've seen in DoD yet.  Requires alot from the people involved.  The downsides are, it requires an insane amount of management from a raidleader, and the fact that a good number are left with pretty much nothing to do.  Other than that it's pretty neat.  So, without any more spewing of shit from the oral cavity from me...





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Bereg the Wordsmith (man that'd be such a fitting title) summed it all up very well.  I'll leave you with that summation.
