Blades of Wrath

Everyone => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dagga on March 16, 2012, 10:51:40 am

Title: Where are they now version 2.0 + interest check for Velious era EMU?
Post by: Dagga on March 16, 2012, 10:51:40 am
Hey all,

I borderline OD on nostalgia every time I come back through these boards.  So many great memories.  Been a few years since I posted (and it's been a couple years since anyone posted in the last "where are they now" thread" so I figured I'd just kick off another one.

I'm still doing alot of work overseas, it's a living I guess.  I recently got married, looking at starting a family - scary thought.  The only MMO I've played since Vanguard (what a waste of time...) is EVE on occasion. 

I still keep up with Ranak (original) on Facebook, and I know Dyscord is alive since he posts fairly frequently at Fires of Heaven boards.  Would love to hear how everyone else is doing.

In the last thread there were alot of people wishing for the Velious game to come back... with that said, I am looking really hard at picking EQ back up on an EMU server thats under development - - it'll be Velious era Everquest, Velious era XP rates, 2 boxing allowed.  I think the major difference is they are implementing some kind of "raid token" system where if raid mobs are heavily contested a guild gets x number of Tokens to spawn raid mobs; my understanding is there will still be alot of competition but that way more casual guilds will at least get a couple raid mobs a week.  Considering Velious is like 11 years old and I dont have 18 hours a day to play, I like the idea.

It would be great to see some old school BoW back in Velious; no idea on when the server is supposed to launch but I've messed around in the closed beta a little and there are always a couple guys from the Dev team on working on mobs/pathing/etc.

Title: Re: Where are they now version 2.0 + interest check for Velious era EMU?
Post by: Sleek on March 16, 2012, 07:47:13 pm
Come to Project1999....Velious coming soon.....though raiding is like trying to hump a doorknob, the nostalgic play is great.
Title: Re: Where are they now version 2.0 + interest check for Velious era EMU?
Post by: Dagga on March 17, 2012, 03:53:36 am
I played around on P99, had a rogue up to level 30.  No thank you.  Not a fan of the management and I'd rather start on a fresh server rather than a server that's been around for a couple years already.  Besides, I like having the option to 2 box and the raid token thing that epicemu is planning. 
Title: Re: Where are they now version 2.0 + interest check for Velious era EMU?
Post by: Sleek on March 17, 2012, 09:07:12 am

     I'm almost heading towards Storm Haven myself.....P99 is just getting bland.  Where I love the nostalgia, the rest is lacking hard.  Plus the entire server is just one big raid digest soap opera.
Title: Re: Where are they now version 2.0 + interest check for Velious era EMU?
Post by: Devoboy on March 21, 2012, 02:51:21 am
I'd love to relive some Velious action. There's just no way I could. Even if I had the time, which I don't, I'd have to put off responsibilities with the family, which isn't possible.
Title: Re: Where are they now version 2.0 + interest check for Velious era EMU?
Post by: Dareius on April 22, 2012, 09:52:45 am
I just made a bard on the Fippy progression server in EQ 1 two days ago. Been enjoying the memories of playing the game.

Name is Roderick on that server if anyone is playing.
Title: Re: Where are they now version 2.0 + interest check for Velious era EMU?
Post by: Gavril on September 13, 2012, 04:12:03 pm
Hey Scott,

Just sent you a PM.  I try to hop in these boards every few months and see the faces that are still around.  Funny how it's mostly really old school folks like us.

I'm living in Houston working at a major oil & gas company doing financial stuff's also a living I guess.  Definitely miss the good old days of EQ but no time for another MMO right now.  Maybe fucking around on an emu server would be fun though.

Any of you guys feel free to shoot me an email at and lets catch up!
Title: Re: Where are they now version 2.0 + interest check for Velious era EMU?
Post by: Zophim on October 01, 2012, 07:59:27 am
What's up, fellas?  Always cool to stop back by here and see people still kickin' it :)

I'm living in the St. Louis area now and doing UNIX administration for MasterCard.  I run a side business making LED hula hoops, and have been doing that for the last 3 years.

I fill whatever spare time I have left in the summers running all over for music festivals, and spend quite a few nights around town watching whatever decent music I can find - mostly Grateful Dead tributes and some reggae.

I played on p99 for a bit, but the tedium of leveling up the old way got to me.  I've done it way too many times to really enjoy that part of it.  So, I left there and went to SH.  I played there for a few months but then life kinda went screwy on me and I haven't logged in since like February.  Turns out I've got plenty to do without it right now, so I'll take that as a plus. :)

From time to time I'm really glad I keep these forums active.  It's always great to hear from you guys!

Title: Re: Where are they now version 2.0 + interest check for Velious era EMU?
Post by: Devoboy on October 21, 2012, 03:20:54 pm
Heh, leveling up didn't bother me as much as the end game did. Not that leveling was fun, but hey. The world is so much different now, it made the end game so much different. You didn't have Twitter or means of notifying whole guilds instantly the same way it was before. And you didn't have the entire population already knowing how everything worked.

The novelty wasn't there or the mystery. It was nostalgia. When that wore off, there wasn't much left.
Title: Re: Where are they now version 2.0 + interest check for Velious era EMU?
Post by: Bereg on November 28, 2012, 06:52:09 am

I have a friend who drove the band equipment around for and recorded many concerts of a Grateful Dead tribute band named Dark Star Orchestra- if you're interested in Live Music recordings, check out:  (

Live Music Archive is one component of the website, they also host the Wayback Machine, a nostalgic look at what the internet looked like back in the day. Hope all is well with you and everyone else!

Title: Re: Where are they now version 2.0 + interest check for Velious era EMU?
Post by: Zophim on November 30, 2012, 05:45:41 am
Right on man. I know who Darkstar is. The guitarist for The Schwag (who started out here in STL) played with them for a bit. They're coming here in February too.

I should have guessed you would reply to that part of my post. It's good to hear from ya, brother!
