Blades of Wrath

Everyone => General Discussion => Topic started by: Stosoned on August 25, 2007, 11:44:31 pm

Title: yo, hola!
Post by: Stosoned on August 25, 2007, 11:44:31 pm
hey everyone. glad to see that you are still bown'ing targets. i sold / gave away Stosoned Mottoncouth to a good friend on Bristlebane about 6 months ago, and while i do miss the people i don't miss the game (nice to see they finally slowed down the expansions). lots has changed since i left, and all for the good. i passed the 3 hour test for my state license for real estate appraisal a few months back (finally!) so work is going well. still dj'n on the weekends as well (can't bring myself to give up that easy money!). still trying to find ms. right, but i have run into ms. rightnow quite a few times so i don't fell too bad.

just wanted to stop by and say hi to whoever is left that remembers the warfrog.

ps> bereg!!! disney used your song in that movie about the rat who cooks! the cat empire is still a regular request at the bar each week, and i owe it all to you!
Title: Re: yo, hola!
Post by: Bereg on August 27, 2007, 06:04:30 am
Yeah, I saw that! I got that song from Migi and Gannon, a couple of folks from Austrailia who were in BoW a few years ago. I saw the trailer for the movie and was like "hey! it's a small world!"